This post is sponsored by adidas. All opinions are my own.
Where are my ladies at? As you may know, March 8th is International Women’s Day and I am so excited to be partnering with adidas today to share a little more about it. Growing up I always considered myself to be lucky to be surrounded by inspiring and strong women. My mom and maternal grandma have been influential in my life since I was born. I am so grateful to have them continue to be prominent figures in my world (and my daughter’s!)
Speaking of my daughter, when I first found out I was pregnant, my mom and grandma were some of the first people I shared the news with. I counted down the days until we could find out the sex. I know most people say they don’t have a preference when it comes to the sex of their baby, but I have always wanted a little girl. My husband and I were actually a little shocked, but also overjoyed, when we found out we were having a girl.

Celebrating International Women’s Day
Being a mom to a daughter can sometimes feel like a lot of pressure. It can feel overwhelming knowing I have this little person who is constantly looking to me to teach her new things, be a positive role model, and help her navigate this crazy thing we call life. Don’t get me wrong though, the joys absolutely outweigh the difficult parts. Like seeing her master new skills, demonstrate curiosity, and an eagerness for knowledge. Of course, I also love the twinning if I’m being honest (clearly, I have an obsession).
On days like International Women’s Day, I look forward to sharing the day with my daughter. To teach her about the progress that has been made by women, and to celebrate the courageous and amazing things women have accomplished. To remind her that she is strong and brave. That as cliche as it sounds, she can absolutely do anything she wants to do in life and that I will be cheering her on every step of the way. She may only be (almost) 4, but it is never too early to focus on empowerment and encouragement, and International Women’s Day is the perfect place to start.