This post is sponsored by adidas. All opinions are my own.
Does anyone else find it totally crazy that it is already August? Maybe I’m extra shocked because I’m pregnant and it’s making me realize that I will have another baby in two shorts months. It might also be extra surprising given that Harper is now 4 and it’s time to start focusing on pre-school. You wouldn’t believe how many times we have been asked if she is starting school this fall. Most people actually think she should actually be in school already because she looks and sounds well beyond a 4 year old. The time has come for us to focus on getting her ready for kindergarten, and we are opting to homeschool for preschool (and possibly beyond).
Preparing for Homeschool Preschool
All I have to say is thank goodness for the internet and Pinterest. Making the decision to homeschool has often felt very overwhelming at times. I always said if I could go back in time and start college all over, I would probably pursue a teaching degree instead of psychology. Now that I have the opportunity to give it a shot at home with Harper I’m so excited. I feel like most parents who learn of my plans to homeschool think I’m crazy, or say, “I could never do that.” I’ve known I’ve wanted to homeschool since Harper was very young and the time has finally come to get started.
Gather all of the educational supplies you can get your hands on
By far the easiest way to prepare for homeschool preschool is to start collecting educational supplies early. I probably began collecting supplies well over a year ago. Any time we went to Costco, Target, etc. and something struck my eye I would grab it. We have a ton of workbooks that we will begin with. Harper also recently had a birthday in May, and received other educational items, like a daily calendar. We have already starting using the calendar, and she loves working on it first thing in the morning.
Try to Stay Organized!
I still love using a paper planner, and have seen a lot of cute homeschool planner options. My goal is to set up a weekly curriculum/lesson plan. Especially since I am due in October, I want to make sure I have a plan moving forward until at least the end of the year. Pinterest has been a great resource to find sample curriculums and lesson plan ideas. I love the idea of not having a strict daily schedule, which is another reason homeschool works well for our family. Also, in terms of organization, I wanted to find a place to store all of our school related items. I found this awesome gold cart at our local World Market that makes the perfect storage area.
Plan our wardrobe to stay comfortable
One of the perks of homeschooling is being able to stay comfortable! Harper is currently in the will-only-wear-comfy-clothes phase, so a pair of leggings and a basic tee in the fall is ideal. This pair of leggings from adidas were too cute to pass up. I know she will be wearing these from now until next summer. I also prefer to opt for a pair of leggings and a hoodie because well #momlife (and #pregnant!) This adidas Must Haves 3-Stripes Hoodie has a nice weight to it, that I know I’ll be living in it post-baby.
How are you preparing to get your kids ready for back to school? I’d love to know if any of you fellow mamas homeschool and what your experience has been like!