The smell of New Mexico rain is something that is so hard to describe, and it is definitely not something I have experienced in any other state I have been to. When my husband and I lived in the Bay Area we would get a ton of rain, but it was always missing that special something. Maybe it’s simply the combination of rain and dirt, but it seems like it is something unique to this area. The smell is one of my favorite things, especially as the weather gets warmer. We don’t get a lot of rain here, but when we do you always know it’s coming based on how it smells outside. A light jacket is all you need this time of year in Albuquerque, and I love this polka dot blazer I found at Target earlier this year (on clearance for $10!). Paired with some boyfriend jeans, the softest tee I own, and one of my favorite Baublebar necklaces, I was ready to brave the desert rain for a night out with friends.
Target Polka Dot Blazer (similar stripe version)