Happy Thanksgiving friends! I can’t even believe I am typing those words. This year has absolutely flown by, and here we are kicking off the holiday season! Instead of the usual outfit post today, Megan and I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to express gratitude for the things in our lives that we feel thankful for. I did have to throw in a few outfits for fun from previous posts, and they’re all linked at the end for you.
Expressing Gratitude for Thanksgiving:
- My husband: This blog here would not be around if it weren’t for this guy. He encourages me to take changes and try new things. He also supports everything I do, and has helped me take changes I would never do on my own. I know it sounds cheesy, but I really couldn’t imagine life without him.
- My baby girl, Harpie: No shocker here that this little girl is my world. When I was pregnant, before we knew the sex, I not-so-secretly expressed that I wanted a girl. She is definitely my mini me, for better and for worse. She keeps me on my toes, and has given me a love I could have never imagined.
- My family: My other biggest supporters and basically my favorite people to be around. I am so thankful to have an amazing family in my life who I know will always be there for me. They are so helpful and loving. The amount of gratitude I have for them really can’t be put into words.
- Home: There are many people who don’t have a place to call home. I am so thankful and feel privileged to have a home of my own. Our house is small, but is bursting with love and laughter and is perfect for our family.
- Health: I have experienced first hand that many people are not as fortunate in this regard. I have the ability to make choices to ensure my health, and that is something I definitely do not take for granted.
- My friends: I am grateful to have a few groups of close friends in my life who are basically family. You know who you are, and my life without be complete with you!
- My jobs: Sometimes I get overly stressed and complain that I have too many jobs. Although I do have multiple jobs, it’s definitely not a bad problem to have. Best part is, I love each and every one of them. Each job allows me to tap into a different part of myself, help others, and help myself in the process.
- Blog: Piggybacking off of number 6, I have to express gratitude for where this blog has taken me this year.
- YOU: If you are reading this right now, I am beyond thankful for you. If you follow me on any form of social media, thank you! Without you, I wouldn’t even be typing this right now!
- My planner: This one might seem silly, but I couldn’t keep my life straight without it. Given number 7, I’d lose my mind without it. I get shit for having a paper planner, but let me tell you, that’s where it’s at! Coffee did come in a close second for this last one 🙂
If you’re looking for some outfit inspiration for today, be sure to check out my Thanksgiving outfit round up from last year. You can also check out the outfits included in today’s post here: